netmap: understanding pkg-gen.c

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at
Wed Oct 2 20:18:41 UTC 2013

Thanks Luigi.

Coming back to this thread to actually understand what's going on.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Luigi Rizzo <rizzo at> wrote:

> >
> > On this box, I have 2 interfaces igb0 ( and ix1
> (
> > and this is how I am using this binary:
> >
> > -bash-4.2$ sudo ./pkt-gen -i ix1 -f tx -n 100000000 -c 8 -p 8 -d
> > -s

So, my intention is to *send* 10gbps data to ix1 and see the card use all
of its 8 queues.

Above command is the correct one?

I kldunloaded/loaded ixbge to clear out all the stats and tested it again:

-bash-4.2$ sudo ./pkt-gen -i ix1 -f tx -n 100000000 -c 8 -p 8 -d -s
extract_ip_range [143] extract IP range from
extract_ip_range [178] range is 0 to 0
extract_ip_range [143] extract IP range from
extract_ip_range [178] range is 0 to 0
extract_mac_range [184] extract MAC range from 90:e2:ba:30:68:c5
extract_mac_range [199] 90:e2:ba:30:68:c5 starts at 90:e2:ba:30:68:c5
extract_mac_range [184] extract MAC range from ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
extract_mac_range [199] ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff starts at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
main [1530] map size is 334980 Kb
main [1552] mapping 334980 Kbytes
Sending on ix1: 8 queues, 8 threads and 8 cpus. -> (90:e2:ba:30:68:c5 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
main [1622] Sending 512 packets every  0.000000000 ns
main [1624] Wait 2 secs for phy reset
main [1626] Ready...
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [848] drop copy
sender_body [775] start
sender_body [848] drop copy
sender_body [848] drop copy
sender_body [848] drop copy
sender_body [848] drop copy
sender_body [848] drop copy
sender_body [848] drop copy
main_thread [1192] 15122963 pps (15130434 pkts in 1000494 usec)
main_thread [1192] 14881444 pps (14896266 pkts in 1000996 usec)
sender_body [841] poll error/timeout on queue 1
main_thread [1192] 14880708 pps (15659371 pkts in 1052327 usec)
main_thread [1192] 14878611 pps (14888684 pkts in 1000677 usec)
main_thread [1192] 14882655 pps (14897538 pkts in 1001000 usec)
main_thread [1192] 11900044 pps (12029754 pkts in 1010900 usec)
main_thread [1212] ouch, thread 1 exited with error
Sent 87502047 packets, 60 bytes each, in 5.86 seconds.
Speed: 14.92 Mpps Bandwidth: 7.16 Gbps (raw 10.03 Gbps)

But looking at the queue stats:

-bash-4.2$ sysctl -a | grep ix.1 | grep queue | grep rx_packets
dev.ix.1.queue0.rx_packets: 171
dev.ix.1.queue1.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue2.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue3.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue4.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue5.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue6.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue7.rx_packets: 0

And after a few seconds:

-bash-4.2$ sysctl -a | grep ix.1 | grep queue | grep rx_packets
dev.ix.1.queue0.rx_packets: 310
dev.ix.1.queue1.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue2.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue3.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue4.rx_packets: 8
dev.ix.1.queue5.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue6.rx_packets: 0
dev.ix.1.queue7.rx_packets: 0

What is going on here? Should I be seeing more pkts in rx_packets? Should I
see more queues being used?

I am using stock ixgbe at this point. I believe RSS is enabled by default?

I apologize if I am asking obvious/answered questions here.


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