kern/183732: [igb] igb interface output byte counter double real output bytes on 8.4-RELEASE generic kernel

Andrew Kinney andykinney at
Mon Nov 18 23:50:01 UTC 2013

The following reply was made to PR kern/183732; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Andrew Kinney <andykinney at>
To: bug-followup at, andykinney at
Subject: Re: kern/183732: [igb] igb interface output byte counter double real
 output bytes on 8.4-RELEASE generic kernel
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:21:36 -0800

 The other bug was against 8.4-stable, which receive no action and no 
 work because it isn't RELEASE. This PR is against 8.4-RELEASE.
 It may seem like I'm splitting hairs to say this isn't duplicate, but 
 read the follow-ups on the other bug. Nobody cares because that one is 
 not against a released version. That's why I submitted the PR against a 
 released version that someone somewhere is supposed to care about.
 If feel you have to close a bug, I think I've made a clear argument for 
 you to re-open this PR and close the other one.
 8.4-RELEASE is a supported release. You stating I should jump on 9.2 
 (and a completely new set of unknown problems for a production machine) 
 completely neglects the fact that 8.4-RELEASE is supported and this 
 should get attention.
 This bug needs to get fixed. While it doesn't cause crashes for prevent 
 booting, it does cause problems for billing our clients. We use the byte 
 counters for billing and costing. If it were always exactly double the 
 real bytes, we could deal with it, but it's not. Sometimes the delta in 
 bytes drops to about 1/10th the real traffic for periods of 15 to 30 
 minutes at a time. So, it's anyone's guess what the real byte count 
 should have been. Good luck ever convincing a customer with a large 
 overage that they should trust your numbers after they see this.
 If public policy for the FreeBSD project has changed and you only want 
 to support one release, then make that policy change public. Don't dance 
 around excusing bugs for supposedly supported releases because I'm wrong 
 for having chosen something other than the latest version.
 Andrew Kinney
 President / CTO
 Advantagecom Networks, Inc.

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