DHCP server with a group of mac address

marcos alves noidmvp at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 19:06:40 UTC 2012

To do what you want you will have to make a script to collect the mac
addresses  and insert into your dhcp.conf . Also check the dhcpd.conf(5)
called `SUBCLASSES`.  as Paul suggested.

Marcos Alves

2012/9/26 Ahmad Faisal <ded1 at mybsd.org.my>

> *You wrote:*
> *From:* marcos alves <noidmvp at gmail.com>
> *To:* "ded1 at MyBSD.org.my" <ded1 at mybsd.org.my>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 26, 2012 6:20 PM
> *Subject:* Re: DHCP server with a group of mac address
> >I dont know if im following you correctly, but yes you can set up your
> lish  of mac address to be >the only ones allowed to get specified ip
> addresses in your network trough isc-dhcp. so the >ones that are not
> specified in the conf won't be able to get any configuration of DHCPD
> server.
> >If that's what you looking for, i think i have some information on how to
> do it.
> I don't really get what you mean, how do i include the text file with all
> the mac address into the dhcpd.conf and declare on which dhcpd syntax ? Do
> you have the sample of the dhcpd.conf ?
> ---
> ded1
> MyBSD Malaysia Project
> http://www.MyBSD.org.my

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