lagg failover issue

Serg sergv326 at
Sun Sep 2 22:26:05 UTC 2012

Peter Jeremy <peter at> написал(а):

>On 2012-Aug-31 04:29:53 -0700, Adrian Chadd <adrian at> wrote:
>>You can't override set the outbound MAC address of a wireless station.
>>It associates with the MAC address of the card/vap/device. The AP
>>_will_ store that MAC address in its node table.
>Are you saying I can't portably do the following:
>    # ifconfig ath0 ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
>    # ifconfig create wlan0 wlandev ath0 ssid my_net up
>My understanding was that the first line changes the MAC associated
>with ath0.  The second line then creates a wlan device and allows ath0
>to associate with an AP with ssid "my_net" - and this association will
>be performed using the updated MAC address.  Which part of this
>doesn't work?
>>What you really want is for the same IP to exist but only both
>>interfaces and have the source interface/MAC seamlessly change.
>Actually, lagg(4) requires all associated interfaces to have the same
>MAC address - it doesn't change them during operation.  Normally, it
>updates the MAC address when it does the "addm" but this doesn't work
>for "addm wlan0" (presumably for the reasons you describe) but
>manually changing the MAC address of the WiFi NIC before creating the
>wlan device avoids this.
>Peter Jeremy

You can change lagg MAC address to match your wlan MAC address but it changes nothing...

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