msk/Yukon issues since 9.0-REL

YongHyeon PYUN pyunyh at
Mon Mar 19 05:47:55 UTC 2012

On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 03:18:19PM +0000, Joe Holden wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've upgraded to 9.0-REL from RC3 (I think) and the previous workarounds 
> I've used for msk/Yukon II problems don't seem to work anymore:
> rc.conf:
> ifconfig_msk0="inet -lro -tso -vlanhwfilter -vlanhwtag"

msk(4) does not support VLAN hardware filter and LRO.  However I
don't understand how this affects stability of driver.

> pciconf:
> mskc0 at pci0:7:0:0:       class=0x020000 card=0x81e6104d chip=0x435111ab 
> rev=0x15 hdr=0x00
>     vendor     = 'Marvell Technology Group Ltd.'
>     device     = '88E8036 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller'
>     class      = network
>     subclass   = ethernet
> I seem to get the usual error:
> msk0: watchdog timeout
> msk0: prefetch unit stuck?
> msk0: initialization failed: no memory for Rx buffers

There was a related change after 9.0-RELEASE. The change already
merged to stable/9(r229874)  So would you try latest stable/9 or
apply the change to 9.0-RELEASE?

> MSI(-X) is disabled but it doesn't seem to make any difference....
> Is there anything I can try to either debug or "fix" it?

If you've upgraded from somewhat old FreeBSD releases, make sure to
cold boot your box(i.e. completely remove power cord for several
minutes before booting).

> Thanks,
> J

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