Intel 82574L interface wedging - em7.3.2/8.2-STABLE

Коньков Евгений kes-kes at
Fri Mar 16 17:49:06 UTC 2012

Здравствуйте, Adrian.

Вы писали 16 марта 2012 г., 17:52:26:

AC> Can someone please just send me some recent em/igb hardware? I'll sit
AC> down and find ways to break things and help Jack fix them.

AC> I've been knee deep in this crap with ath(4) so I'm well versed now in
AC> the art of "making your NIC and network stack not angry."

I can give to you root access to machine with igb hardware.
will that be enough?

С уважением,
 Коньков                          mailto:kes-kes at

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