IPv6 and CARP

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 6 11:47:49 UTC 2012

Damien Fleuriot <ml at my.gd> wrote
  in <4F55E8B0.8010104 at my.gd>:

ml> Hello guys,
ml> Are there any news on the topic ?
ml> Trying to push IP6 at work for our firewalls and struggling with CARP
ml> interfaces with inet6 addresses at boot like OP.
ml> I could probably just set the address with a script in
ml> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ but I'd rather get it working out of the box,
ml> that'll increase the credibility.

 I am investigating it.  Please give me some more time.

-- Hiroki
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