netisr traffic bad distribution between CPUs

Коньков Евгений kes-kes at
Sat Mar 3 21:14:24 UTC 2012

Some more statistics

# netstat -Q
Setting                        Current        Limit
Thread count                         4            4
Default queue limit                256        10240
Direct dispatch               disabled          n/a
Forced direct dispatch        disabled          n/a
Threads bound to CPUs         disabled          n/a

Name   Proto QLimit Policy Flags
ip         1   1024   flow   ---
igmp       2    256 source   ---
rtsock     3    256 source   ---
arp        7    256 source   ---
ip6       10    256   flow   ---

WSID CPU   Name     Len WMark   Disp'd  HDisp'd   QDrops   Queued  Handled
   0   0   ip       606  1024        0        0  2930711 2377098505 2377097226
   0   0   igmp       0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   0   0   rtsock     0   251        0        0        0   108579   108579
   0   0   arp        0    17        0        0        0   205271   205271
   0   0   ip6        0     1        0        0        0     1111     1111
   1   1   ip        16   536        0        0        0 758322101 758322085
   1   1   igmp       0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   1   1   rtsock     0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   1   1   arp        0     3        0        0        0   106860   106860
   1   1   ip6        0     2        0        0        0     1254     1254
   2   2   ip       155  1024        0        0   414966 2378645792 2378645336
   2   2   igmp       0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   2   2   rtsock     0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   2   2   arp        0    11        0        0        0   320116   320116
   2   2   ip6        0     1        0        0        0     3557     3557
   3   3   ip         0  1024        0        0     5774 2108548645 2108548645
   3   3   igmp       0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   3   3   rtsock     0     0        0        0        0        0        0
   3   3   arp        0    12        0        0        0   672284   672284
   3   3   ip6        0     3        0        0        0    13870    13870

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