System doesn't detect unplugged network cable and doesn't set interface up properly with DHCP

Freddie Cash fjwcash at
Thu Jul 12 21:01:53 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Chris Benesch <chris.benesch at> wrote:
> Thats pretty standard for BSD and most Unixes.  DHCP hands out leases for a
> specified period of time, so unless there is a reason to reset it, it
> wont.  Windows does that, but it is designed more as a client / user facing
> OS whereas BSD is designed to run in the background silently serving you
> content and directing traffic.
> I can save you some steps though,
> ps -ax | grep dhclient
> You will get a list, on the one that is dhclient or /sbin/dhclient, take
> the number at the far left, thats the process ID
> kill <process id>
> dhclient re0

pkill dhclient
dhclient re0

Saves a few more steps.  :)

There's also:

service netif restart re0

Freddie Cash
fjwcash at

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