ipv6 host inaccessible via route -inteface without ndp pairs

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Mon Feb 27 04:36:47 UTC 2012

Mr Dandy <subbsd at gmail.com> wrote
  in <201202252213.50760.subbsd at gmail.com>:

su> Hi
su> I play with IPv6 on the Hezner hosting. According to
su> http://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Zusaetzliche_IP-Adressen/en information my
su> rc.conf have (FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE/amd64):
su> ---
su> ipv6_activate_all_interfaces="YES"
su> ipv6_static_routes="hetzner"
su> ipv6_route_hetzner="2a01:4f8:61:50c0::/59 -iface re0"
su> ifconfig_re0_ipv6="inet6 2a01:4f8:61:50c2::13/64"
su> ipv6_defaultrouter="2a01:4f8:61:50c0::1"
su> ipv6_gateway_enable="YES"
su> --

 Maybe I do not fully understand your network, but is there any reason
 that the following simple configuration does not work?

 ifconfig_re0_ipv6="inet6 2a01:4f8:61:50c2::13/59"

-- Hiroki
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