[urtw] Random wireless crash / kernel panic

Adam Twardowski adam.twardowski at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 17:03:46 UTC 2012

I do still have the kernel and the crash dump.  I'll try that fix tonight
to see how it goes.  Unfortunately, the kernel doesn't usually crash, more
likely the wifi stops working and I am forced to reboot the machine to get
it working again.

On Feb 20, 2012 2:56 AM, "Adrian Chadd" <adrian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you still have the kernel?
> On 19 February 2012 18:23, Adam Twardowski <adam.twardowski at gmail.com>
> > Hello, I submitted a bug report the other day regarding a kernel panic
> > related to the urtw driver.  If anyone needs any additional
> > infromation, please let me know.
> It looks like there's no node associated with that particular TX.
> Change:
>                if (m->m_flags & M_TXCB) {
> to
>                if ((m->m_flags & M_TXCB) && (data->ni != NULL)) {
> .. that may fix the crash but it doesn't explain how an mbuf marked
> M_TXCB has no node..
> Adrian

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