'no buffer space available' after switch goes down on freeBSD 7.3

Tsaregorodtsev Denis telemat at extrim.it
Tue Dec 25 06:40:16 UTC 2012

On 25.12.2012 07:01, Ryan Stone wrote:
> I don't believe that this is fixed in later versions of the driver. 
> The problem is that when the interface loses link the transmit queue 
> can fill up. Once that happens the driver never gets any more calls 
> from the network stack to make it send packets. Pinging the interface 
> fixes it because the driver processes rx.and tx from the same context, 
> so when it receives a packet it starts transmitting again.
> The patch that I sent fixes the problem by forcing the driver to 
> process the tx queue when ever links goes from down to up.
but on my production machine, when i see 'no buffer space available', 
pinging the interface does not fixes it. Last time I tried to ping, ssh 
to the machine, but machine stayed unavailable. Only `/etc/rc.d/netif 
restart` from local console helped.
I will try to reproduce the situation on test machine. if this happens, 
I will try the patch.

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