ipfw(4) dynamic states/rules and its callout

Alexander V. Chernikov melifaro at FreeBSD.org
Thu Dec 6 11:56:10 UTC 2012

On 06.12.2012 13:13, Ermal Luçi wrote:
> Hello,
> i was looking at ipfw dynamic code for dynamic states/rules and see that it
> unconditionally schedules a callout even if there is not work to do.
> Wouldn't it be best to reschedule it when there is something to do to avoid
> having a useless
> callout/event run every time on the system?
> Is there any complication i am missing on it!
I thought about the same (and possibly not allocating dynamic hash at 
all if we have no dynamic rules) while rewriting dynamic code.
The main "problem" is to reliably determine if we have dynamic rules in 
our ruleset.

Rule checking probably can be done via adding additional argument to 
check_ipfw_struct(), however the rest can be a bit more complicated 
since we can delete more that one rule (or set with bunch of rules) at once.

> Regards,
> Ermal
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