Intel 82574L interface wedging on em 7.1.9/7.2.3 when MSIX enabled

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Thu Oct 27 09:26:20 UTC 2011

Hello, Mike.
You wrote 7 октября 2011 г., 19:06:34:

>         This sure sounds like the issue I was seeing with the 7.1.9 driver...
> However, it has been fixed for me by going to 7.2.3, which is in
> RELENG_8.  Is it possible you have a couple of issues going on since you
> are using lagg as well ?  Another problem some folks have reported is
> that in the BIOS, if you have an option for ASPM, make sure its disabled.
  I had a lot of such problems with 7.1.9 on my 82566DM, and I
thought, that new driver is Ok, but yesterday it happens again with

  No packets could be sent, buffers are overfilled, only full reset
helps (after "ifconfig wm0 down && ifconfig em0 up" ping starts to
report "Host is down" for any remote host, instead of "No buffer space

  8-STABLE, 7.2.3 driver, amd64, 82566DM LOM chip.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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