kern/149643: [rum] device not sending proper beacon frames in ap mode

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Tue Oct 18 03:45:00 UTC 2011

On 18 October 2011 11:36, Steven Chamberlain <steven at> wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> I see that revision 226467 by bz already fixed the compiler warnings.
> I've now built and tested this on freebsd-8 amd64.

Sweet. I'll just assume at this point that it'll work on FreeBSD-9 and
aim to get it into the tree in the next few days.

> The same bugfix has been working throughout the day on a couple of
> openbsd i386 boxes with rum hardware too.

Great news :) I'm sure the OpenBSD guys will appreciate being sent a
bugfix as well.
Just make sure you mention it came from FreeBSD. :)

> I guess the PR number you asked me for yesterday is just kern/149643 ?

I'll check it out, thanks! :)


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