[urtw] Wifi link dying randomly. reboot required to reconnect.

Chuck Burns break19 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 14:59:58 UTC 2011

Some more information.. I had mentioned this issue to someone on the
##FreeBSD irc channel, and he said that his father uses the urtw
driver, on an i386 system, also running 8.2, but has no issues with
kernel panics, and the only drops that he knows is due to his router,
and resetting the router solves (but not the box, nor
unplugging/replugging the dongle, neither of those are necessary to
restore service)

My system on the other hand just reports "No Carrier" in ifconfig,
even after resetting the router, and other devices in the home can see
it, and connect to it fine.

I am not sure if this information is pertinent or not, but seeing as
we've appeared to reach an impasse, with no more suggestions, requests
for info... I figure the more info we can gather, the better...

Chuck Burns

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