bce(4) with IPMI [puzzling and puzzling]

Sean Bruno seanbru at yahoo-inc.com
Fri Oct 7 16:24:04 UTC 2011

> <pciconf>
> bce0 at pci0:1:0:0:        class=0x020000 card=0x028c1028 chip=0x163b14e4
> rev=0x20 hdr=0x00
>     vendor     = 'Broadcom Corporation'
>     class      = network
>     subclass   = ethernet
> bce1 at pci0:1:0:1:        class=0x020000 card=0x028c1028 chip=0x163b14e4
> rev=0x20 hdr=0x00
>     vendor     = 'Broadcom Corporation'
>     class      = network
>     subclass   = ethernet
> </pciconf>
> <dmesg>
> bce0: <Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5716 1000Base-T (C0)> mem
> 0xd8000000-0xd9ffffff irq 36 at device 0.0 on pci1
> bce0: Reserved 0x2000000 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xd8000000
> bce0: attempting to allocate 1 MSI vectors (16 supported)
> bce0: using IRQ 256 for MSI
> miibus0: <MII bus> on bce0
> bce0: bpf attached
> bce0: Ethernet address: a4:ba:db:2b:6d:58
> bce0: [MPSAFE]
> bce0: [ITHREAD]
> bce0: ASIC (0x57092008); Rev (C0); Bus (PCIe x4, 2.5Gbps); B/C (5.2.2);
> Flags (MSI|MFW); MFW (NCSI 2.0.8)
> </dmesg>
> _______________________________________________

so, I cracked open my R410 this morning to see what the Ethernet chipset
had for a indentification mark.  It is definitely stamped as a BCM5716,
so I'm confused.

bce(4) has code to handle the 5716 chipset, but its never being executed
AFAIK.  What's going on here?


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