OpenBGPd stability issue on FreebBSD 9-PRERELEASE

Darren Baginski kickbsd at
Sun Nov 27 22:28:15 UTC 2011

Yes, I did a capture. Session time outing.
Bizarre that happens only on link with igb driver, while bce has no issues (server with two nics one 4ports igb and one 2ports bce).
tcpdump on igb link even do not show packets arriving while I see them sent from the other end.
The same link plugged to the bce works.
What else can be done to debug this ?

27.11.2011, 21:59, "Kevin Oberman" <kob6558 at>:
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Darren Baginski <kickbsd at> wrote:
>>  Hi!
>>  I'm having issues with OpenBGPd  openbgpd-4.9.20110612_1 running on  FreebBSD 9-PRERELEASE.
>>  BGP sessions flap for no reason every ~4hours, bgp sessions itself receive only default form cisco router.
>>  FreeBSD 8.2 is not affected.
>>  How can I troubleshot this?
> Start by looking at the logs on both ends. Why did the session get
> torn down?  Which end triggered it? Without this information it is
> impossible to figure much out.
> If the logs don't provide a clue, you can capture the BGP traffic with
> tcpdump and analyze with wireshark.
> --
> R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
> E-mail: kob6558 at

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