Panic in the udp_input() under heavy load

Maxim Sobolev sobomax at
Mon Nov 7 23:23:24 UTC 2011

On 11/7/2011 2:57 PM, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> On 11/7/2011 10:24 AM, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> Unlikely; the inp is properly locked there and the udp info attach
>> better still be valid there; your problem is most likely elsewhere;
>> try to see if you have other threads and see what they do at the same
>> time, etc. You would need to race with udp_detach(); you also want
>> to make sure that the inp still looks sane from either ddb or a dump
>> and we are not talking about random memory corruption here.
> Well, as you can see from the trace it points pretty strongly to that
> piece of code. And as I said this panic is completely reproducible,
> we've seen it at least 5 times to date in exactly this location.
> Unfortunately the trace is rather long so we could not capture it in
> full before, until we've switched to the 80x50 mode.
> If it was a memory corruption it would be just random fault, while here
> we have it failing in this point reliably.
> Unfortunately the panic happens in the driver thread context (I
> believe), so the KDB/dump is not working. After panicing the machine
> just hangs there. Keyboard is not working and I need to do a hard reset.
> Is there any other explanation that you can think of? Is it possible for
> some other portion of the code (i.e. network driver, DMA engine etc) to
> trash this structure by writing something off bound? Or something along
> the lines?

OK, I've put the following catch to prove the case:

         up = intoudpcb(inp);
         if (up == NULL) {
                 printf("BZZT! Something is terribly wrong, up == NULL!\n");
                 goto badunlocked;
         if (up->u_tun_func == NULL) {

I am going to give it a spin on two busiest boxes and see if I can log 

Maksym Sobolyev
Sippy Software, Inc.
Internet Telephony (VoIP) Experts
Tel: +1-646-651-1110
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