ipv6, stateful config and non-default prefixlen
Christian Kratzer
ck-lists at cksoft.de
Fri Mar 18 15:27:15 UTC 2011
On Fri, 18 Mar 2011, Eugene M. Zheganin wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm trying to get a working freebsd workstation with an ipv6 network where
> addresses are received from DHCP.
> ATM my IPv6 setup copies the IPv4 layout with vlans and /24 masks, so I'm
> using /120 prefixes.
> Is that even possible ?
> As the Handbook lacks any information about such setup, I decided to ask for
> help here.
why not just use /64 prefixes ? You have 16 bits in your /48 to each
ipv4 /24 network to an ipv6 /64 network.
Don't fight the system.
> Currently I'm having problems with prefixes.
> I'm using the net/isc-dhcp41-client port (as the dhclient from the base
> system is unable to work with DHCPv6).
> I have a working rtadvd on a router, and a working DHCPv6 setup.
> But my client FreeBSD still gets 64 prefix length, with or without running
> rtsold.
> Since DHCPv6 doesn't advertise any routing information at all (including the
> prefix information), and its only function is to provide the client with an
> address, I assume that the prefix information has to be received from the
> router advertisements. I am currently looking at the wireshark dump, and it
> appears that my workstation is receiving such advertisements. However it
> doesn't affect the 64 prefix displayed in ifconfig, and all operation
> involving the nodes outside the actual link are simply not working.
> Also I want to say that other operating systems on the same link are working
> properly (for example they can exchange with nodes in other networks).
> Thanks.
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Christian Kratzer CK Software GmbH
Email: ck at cksoft.de Wildberger Weg 24/2
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Web: http://www.cksoft.de/ Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer
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