[patch] re(4) problems on networks with disabled autonegotiation "solver" (WAS: Juniper e3k with ports limitied to...) -- REQUEST FOR REVIEW

Lev Serebryakov lev at serebryakov.spb.ru
Fri Jan 14 10:41:14 UTC 2011

Hello, Marius.
You wrote 14 января 2011 г., 4:24:12:

> found by ignoring the bits set in the "don't care mask". I've
> updated the patch at the above URL accordingly and based on my
> testing it now should actually work as expected. Sorry for the
> glitch.
  Yes, it works for me.
  Only one note: I think, it is good idea to document this flag in

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at serebryakov.spb.ru>

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