igb watchdog timeouts

Bruce Evans brde at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jan 14 09:28:44 UTC 2011

On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 sthaug at nethelp.no wrote:

>>> They have enough buffers (128 for each of tx and rx IIRC).  The only thing
>>> polling mode gave for them was lower latency, but this cost enabling
>>> polling in the idle loop, which wastes 100% of at least 1 CPU and some
>>> power.  Without polling in idle, polling gives very high latency (even
>>> worse than low-quality interrupt moderation does).
>> Sure-- there are circumstances where a machine would always have traffic to process, for which idle polling was beneficial to enable.
> I have a couple of servers with Broadcom (bge) GigE interfaces. These
> servers became completely unresponsive/unusable at high network traffic
> (presumably due to the interrupt processing) but were able to handle the
> same traffic with no problems after switching to polling. This was in
> the 7.0 timeframe.
> I still have the same servers/interfaces running with polling, but now
> at 7.3.

I had the opposite experience with a Broadcom 5701 (old but not low-end
bge for PCI-X on PCI-33).  Some mostly-uncommitted work on its interrupt
handling improved its latency from 100uS to 50uS (average for best
case) and its throughput from 240000 to 640000 tiny packets/second.
-current should be at least 2/3 as good.  Its polling mode saturated
at 400000 tiny packets/second for tx with poll-in-idle and at about
half that without.  Rx started dropping packets at about the same
thresholds that tx saturated.  The reasons for more than 240kpps not
working with polling are especially easy to understand for rx.  Most
bge's have a 512 entry rx ring, and FreBSD bge only enables 256 entries
in it.  Poll this at 1 KHz and you are sure to drop packets above 256
kpps, and likely to above 240 kpps.  Higher polling rates and polling
in idle allow higher packet rates without loss, but for some reason
polling saturates before interrupt handling.  Since I don't believe
in polling, I didn't try to fix this (except to use the whole rx ring).
I think polling consumes resources which are better used for doing
work.  Always CPU resources, but here also NIC resources.  This bge
works even better with larger packets (1500 bytes; not so good with
9000).  Interrupt load is significant at 640 kpps but not at the 81
kpps which is the maximum for 1500-byte packets.

OTOH, with a Broadcon 5705+ (not so old but low-end bge for PCI-33),
interrupt moderation (host coelescing in bge-speak) is broken.  It
interrupts immediately (?) once per packet despite accepting the
programming to interrupt once per many packets or after many microseconds.
This results in about 1/6 of the performance of the 5701 (1/3 of the
performance to saturate twice as many CPUs).  Polling might help, but
I tried it even less on this NIC than the other.


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