Juniper e3k with ports limitied to 100Mbit and re NICs on MSI MoBo: problems with duplex negotiation (Hetzner host provider discard FreeBSD support due this bug)

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Tue Jan 11 21:31:13 UTC 2011

Hello, Pyun.
You wrote 11 января 2011 г., 23:00:07:

> rgephy(4) currently always use auto-negotiation to work-around link
> establishment issues reported in past.
  I think, it is the root of the problem. Autonegotiation is DISABLED on
these ports. I think, some additional mediaopt (like
force-half-duplex) for rgephy(4) will be solution.

> For your case, the only way to address the issue at this moment is
> to use auto-negotiation but that would establish 1000baseT link
> which would add cost for you. Alternatively request half-duplex
> configuration to the provider to get a agreed link duplex.
   Maybe, adding new mediaopt is not very hard? Or is it?

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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