PPP and Route Delete

Melissa Jenkins melissa-freebsd at littlebluecar.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 18:00:49 UTC 2011

> The self-pointing route should have multiple references set on
> it, and that route won't be deleted from the routing table until the 
> last reference is removed.
> You can verify that by checking the "netstat" output, the "Ref" column
> after tun1 has been created.
> The above has been verified with both mpd and other tests.

Thank you!

The bit I had neglected to mention (as the bug report suggested it was a problem with the local route table) was that we are re-distributing routes using openbgpd.  I have confirmed that the openbgpd code has no concept of this reference counting and simply removes the route from the table that is being sent out.  

Sorry for the noise - I should have spotted that myself :(


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