FreeBSD 8 as an IPv6 router

Hajimu UMEMOTO ume at
Tue Dec 13 17:07:21 UTC 2011


>>>>> On Tue, 13 Dec 2011 20:11:45 +1030
>>>>> "Daniel O'Connor" <doconnor at> said:

doconnor> On 13/12/2011, at 19:54, Hajimu UMEMOTO wrote:
> doconnor> Is there a way to tweak it to do the right thing?
> Perhaps, sla-len should be 8.

doconnor> Ahh many thanks, that seems work work.

You are welcome.

doconnor> Such are the risk when you copy things off the internet :)

Yes, the sla-len depends on the prefixlen of the delegated prefix, and
the length depends on your ISP.
The DHCPv6 server announces the prefixlen, and the dhcp6c can know it.
However, the dhcp6c doesn't assume that the prefixlen of the
prefix-interface is 64.  So, you still need to specify an appropriate
sla-len value.  It seems inconvenient to me.  So, I applied the
attached patch to calculate the sla-len automatically with the
assumption that the prefix-interface is 64, personally.

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Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan
ume at  ume@{,jp.}

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