Fwd: [Ntop-misc] [Announce] 10 Gbit Hardware Packet Filtering Using Commodity Network Adapters

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 19:23:37 UTC 2010

fyi for possible porters...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luca Deri <deri at ntop.org>
Date: Sep 4, 2010 8:17 AM
Subject: [Ntop-misc] [Announce] 10 Gbit Hardware Packet Filtering
Using Commodity Network Adapters
To: ntop at unipi.it, ntop-misc at listgateway.unipi.it

The promise of filtering packets in hardware is not new. Unfortunately
filtering network adapters are pretty expensive, not to mention if
they run at 10 Gbit. Furthermore many commercial FPGA-based NICs
feature hardware packet filtering, but often require card
reconfiguration whenever flow rules are added/removed and have a
limited set of rules that can be configured.

 The release of Intel X520, the first NIC based on the
82599-controller, has triggered my interest as this controller is much
more powerful than what Linux can do with it. Thanks to support from
Intel and in particular Joseph Gasparakis of Intel Shannon, I have
jointly developed an extension to the ixgbe driver (used to drive
82599-based NICs) for adding hardware packet filtering support. Thanks
to this work, users can specify up to 32K (yes thirty-two thousand)
filters that can be added on the fly without any hardware
reconfiguration. And if you want the cherry on top, the cost per port
of X520 is well below 1000$. So you now have no reason for not jumping
on the 10 Gbit wagon.

 The enhanced driver is released free of charge as part of the PF_RING
distribution (inside PF_RING/drivers/intel). If you also want packet
capture acceleration in addition to hardware filtering you can use
TNAPI that now supports hardware packet filtering too.

 You can find more information about this work at this page:

 Enjoy Luca


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