Workaround for mpd5 and 8.0 broken proxy arp?

J. English j_english at
Wed Mar 31 12:57:36 UTC 2010


I am using VLANs, but not on my FreeBSD box.  Mpd log does not show any
"cannot intuit interface index" errors.

Would be happy to apply the patches.  I followed the links Mike provided,
but I'm unsure of what to do at that point (I did read README and UPDATING,
but I guess I'm still too new to "get it").  Also, could you provide some
guidance on how to apply the .diff patch you provided?

Not a FreeBSD expert (yet).  Thanks,


-----Original Message-----
From: Li, Qing [ at] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:26 PM
To: Ruslan Ermilov; Mike Tancsa
Cc: J. English; freebsd-net at
Subject: RE: Workaround for mpd5 and 8.0 broken proxy arp?

> Yes, it's still broken (it's a regression compared to 7.x).  A 
> workaround I've found working after analyzing the newer kernel code is 
> to ALWAYS use the same IP address for the local end of the tunnel as 
> of the corresponding ARP capable interface.

   Are you using VLANs?

   Were you getting the following error message?
   "cannot intuit interface index and type for x.x.x.x"

   Could you please revert back to your original configuration
   and give the following patch try (in addition to the patches
   mentioned by Mike) ?


   -- Qing

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