PF + BRIDGE + PFSYNC causes system freezing

Max Laier max at
Wed Mar 17 16:47:30 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 17 March 2010 17:37:31 Giulio Ferro wrote:
> On 17.03.2010 16:50, Greg Hennessy wrote:
> > A possible corner case with the virtual hosting platform ?
> >
> > Try changing the NICS from EM to something else supported RL on vmware
> > IIRC.
> Nope, I'm not using virtualization, that's the other guy.
> I'm using a physical machine...

Can you enable WITNESS and compile in DDB.  Make sure to report any LORs and 
once the system freezes try to enter the debugger and get ps and locks 

show allchains
show alllocks

After that you can try to "call doadump" so you get the information in the 
coredump and don't have to transcribe it manually.


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