ixgbe input errors at high data rates

beezarliu beezarliu at yahoo.com.cn
Fri Mar 12 06:21:06 UTC 2010

Speaking of multiqueue support in intel 10G, such as 82598, 
if we use RSS feature, can we select certain ip/port pair to open a tcp connection, 
so that the returning packet will come back from a pre-known receive queue?



发件人: Jack Vogel 
发送时间: 2010-03-12  02:57:15 
收件人: rihad 
抄送: freebsd-net at freebsd.org 
主题: Re: ixgbe input errors at high data rates 
I have typically not had the bandwidth to do performance work on the
drivers, I am the
only FreeBSD engineer in the wired network division here at Intel, however
for 10G I
have changed the rules and have been working to make the driver perform

10G is quite different from 1G, in order for it to work well its not just a
matter of slapping
in the hardware, the OS must be tuned, and the driver. Further, its an
ongoing effort,
so by recommending the CURRENT driver what I'm saying is that is my most
code and thus, if all is well :), its also the best performing.

The difference between things being tweaked vs not is quite dramatic,  like
only 2 or 3 Gb versus getting 9.5 when properly set up. The multiqueue stack
in 8.0 is part of the equation, and in 7.X you wont have that.

Hope this clarifies things some,


On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:39 AM, rihad  <rihad at mail.ru > wrote:

> Jack Vogel wrote:
> > Similarly, I have done lots of work in two years to the ixgbe driver,
> > I would even suggest that once you have 8 installed you get the driver
> > from HEAD.
> >
> >  You mean the driver in 8.0 isn't good enough and I'd need to somehow mix
> the driver from CURRENT with the rest of 8.0?
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