Routing problems on VPN servers running FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE

Brett Glass brett at
Sat Feb 13 05:04:29 UTC 2010

At 07:42 PM 2/12/2010, Luiz Otavio O Souza wrote:

>The "-S" tries to remove the entry first, but it fails because it 
>doesn't exist.

As far as I can tell, the -S option doesn't cause the command to 
fail if no routing table entry already exists. It just deletes any 
route that does exist.

Also, if you look at the code within mpd5 (the file iface.c), mpd 
first creates the proxy arp entry and then tries to add routes for 
the interface. So, using "-S" and also "only" in the arp(8) command 
would seem to be the right thing to do. This combination would 
remove any route that exists and not create a new one, ensuring 
that mpd itself could create new routes as needed. I have mpd 
working now with this change, and your patch seems to fix ppp(8).


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