Routing problems on VPN servers running FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE

Li, Qing at
Fri Feb 5 02:35:49 UTC 2010

> Not since the ARP table and the routing table have been split.
> However, the addresses for which the machine is doing proxy ARP do
> need to show up there, and they do not.

You described a bug symptom that should have been fixed. 
The proxy ARP entry should be displayed in the ARP table
after you apply the patch I specified.

> Is there a way to get patches to run against 8.0-RELEASE? If I do
> not install -RELEASE on a machine, I can't use freebsd-update to
> maintain it.

As far as I know patches do not go into 8.0-RELEASE branch, but
I will let the release management team comment on what your options

> I do not know. What I do know is that all PPP implementations I've
> tried -- including Somers ppp(8) and mpd 5.3 -- are failing to set
> up the host routes for the PPP endpoints and also the loopback
> routes for the pseudo-interfaces (ng or tun).

Again, you describe the symptoms that I believe should be fixed
by the patch I referred to.

> In any event, to put -STABLE on the machine would require either
> downloading a snapshot or wiping out a lot of work or setting up
> CVS on machines that won't need it in production, so please let me
> know if patches are available that will add the recent fixes to 8.0-

See above...

-- Qing

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