libnet_get_hwaddr() failing with FreeBSD 8

Charles Owens cowens at
Wed Feb 3 20:51:07 UTC 2010

Charles Owens wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working with some code (snippet below) that fails with
> libnet_get_hwaddr() function (it returns false).  The code works fine
> under 7.x but not with 8.0 .
> Any thoughts as to what might be going on?

Issue solved.  I had been building the libnet port within a jail... and
if it can't find /dev/bpf0 then it compiles in dummy code for a number
of functions.  Building libnet in a non-jail setting is fine.  The final
solution for us was to tweak devfs in the jail so /dev/bpf0 _is_ present.

 Charles Owens
 Great Bay Software, Inc.

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