FreeBSD ipsec tunnel mode packet lost

Zaidi, Abbas Abbas_Zaidi at
Wed Sep 30 11:48:41 UTC 2009


I am having this strange problem establishing tunnel between FreeBSD and
linux, my network setup is


Link2:216:76ff:febd:618c ---------|Link2::e -o-
Link1::e|--------------------|Link1::f -o-



Where I want to establish a tunnel between FreeBSDr and Linuxe (that
would be Link1::e <==> Link0:212:17ff:fe5c:9466). Im using raccoon2 to
negotiate SAs dynamically. 

Once the SAs get negotiated I send a ping request from FreeBSDe to
Linuxe. The packets get an ipsec header applied at FreeBSDr reaches
Linuxe a reply to packet comes back at Link1::e interface of FreeBSDr
and then packet gets lost.


I am not using gif. Do I need it?

I don't think any thing is wrong with ipsec as the seq of both in and
out sa are incrementing on every echo request reply.

I am new to FreeBSD and not sure about firewall, but I think its not

There is one strange thing about security policies as of linux in case
of tunnel there are 3 policies added (in, out, fwd) where as in FreeBSD
it only shows 2 (in, out).

Ping without ipsec from FreeBSDe to Linuxe works perfectly fine, so I
assume routing tables are fine too. 


I have run out of options and do not understand what to do; any sort of
help will be highly appreciated.




Abbas Zaidi

Software Development Engineer

Embedded System Division

MentorGraphics Embedded

Office (+9242) 6099215 Cell (+92333) 4261781



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