WLAN performance Windows/XP ./. FreeBSD 8-CURRENT

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Wed Sep 30 05:28:31 UTC 2009

El día Tuesday, September 29, 2009 a las 11:07:53AM -0700, Doug Barton escribió:

> Since you asked the question in the most generic way possible, here
> are some generic answers:
> 1. Different hardware
> 	a. Different wlan cards (as you pointed out)
> 	b. Different laptops
> 	c. Different harddrives
> 2. Different speedtests (java, flash, etc.)
> 3. Different protocols (802.11[abg])
> 4. Different settings on the wlan cards (beacons, etc.)
> 5. Some sort of preference settings (user-visible or not) on the AP
> that prefers one card over the other
> In other words, you haven't given us nearly enough information to
> determine anything useful.
> hope this helps,

Ofc you are right that a lot of details will influence the performance,
but I was surprised about how big the diff is, ~9 ./, ~6 Mbps;
and as others pointed out the tool (speedtest) was wrong because of flash
and the distance; I will run tests with a local file server.

Thanks for your very helpfull response in any case.


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru at unixarea.de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
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