Panic in imo_match_source (netinet/in_mcast.c)

Bruce Simpson bms at
Tue Sep 8 13:13:12 UTC 2009

[Brief reply as I'm meant to be doing a zillion other things...]

Bruce Simpson wrote:
> Full OS version, dmesg, panic and backtrace please, when reporting 
> this kind of issue... otherwise folk can't help. Are you using SSM 
> multicast features?

P.S. You might want to try demoting the KASSERT to a conditional error 
return (return no match if src is NULL or src->sa_family != AF_INET), 
and see if that fix 'just works' for you. Sometimes the asserts I 
sprinkle into code are too paranoid for what's going on, and syrinx@ 
recently caught one of those.

I can see some situations where this could kick off, so that is probably 
the right fix. Please do let me know. If that fix works for you then it 
can probably be checked in. There is an RC cutoff looming, so if I can't 
do it in time, someone else may be able to check it in.


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