ipfw dummynet queue size limitations

Barney Cordoba barney_cordoba at yahoo.com
Fri May 29 15:52:57 UTC 2009

--- On Fri, 5/29/09, Sebastian Mellmann <sebastian.mellmann at net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de> wrote:

> From: Sebastian Mellmann <sebastian.mellmann at net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de>
> Subject: ipfw dummynet queue size limitations
> To: freebsd-net at freebsd.org
> Date: Friday, May 29, 2009, 4:37 AM
> Hi everyone!
> I've already asked this one the ipfw list, but maybe
> someone here got a
> hint for me.
> I'm trying to configure the queue size in ipfw dummynet
> larger then 100
> slots, but I can't do so since ipfw always tells me that
> the maximum is
> 100.
> Is there any chance to increase the queue size?
> I could only find a thread [1] from 2006 about this.
> Thanks a lot for any hints or help!
> Regards,
> Sebastian

It looks to be hard-coded, so I'd suggest changing it to a variable or
macro. There's only about 10 instances so its not much work.



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