IPv6 fragmentation weirdness

sthaug at nethelp.no sthaug at nethelp.no
Thu May 14 22:09:05 UTC 2009

> First, why is the kernel fragmenting this at all as it fits in the
> interface MTU?

Good question, I definitely disagree with this behavior and would say
that it breaks POLA. But it's documented (see the ping6 -m option).

> Can anyone fetch anything from ftp.funet.fi via IPv6? I suspect it is
> something in the path that is blocking my traffic, so others may not see
> this, but I think the root issues is the kernel fragmenting packets way
> below MTU size.

I just picked up a copy of the 7.2 bootonly ISO image using IPv6. Slow
but usable. My path (from Oslo, Norway) is:

sthaug at lab1% traceroute6 ftp.funet.fi
traceroute6 to ftp.funet.fi (2001:708:10:9::20:1) from 2001:8c0:8b00:1::2, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
 1  ge-0-0-9-515.br1.fn3.no.catchbone.net  0.254 ms  4.917 ms  0.203 ms
 2  c10G-ge-5-1-0.cr2.osls.no.catchbone.net  0.485 ms  0.408 ms  0.399 ms
 3  c10G-xe-4-1-0.br1.osls.no.catchbone.net  0.364 ms  0.351 ms  0.361 ms
 4  2001:2000:3083:6::1  9.006 ms  8.848 ms  8.966 ms
 5  s-ipv6-b1-link.ipv6.telia.net  19.481 ms  19.590 ms  19.412 ms
 6  2001:2000:3080:d::2  110.907 ms  109.056 ms  119.495 ms
 7  helsinki0-rtr.funet.fi  116.305 ms  123.534 ms  119.472 ms
 8  csc0-x0000-helsinki0.ipv6.funet.fi  118.873 ms  117.439 ms  116.054 ms
 9  ftp.funet.fi  115.777 ms  116.087 ms  117.735 ms

Note that the IPv6 transit from Telia is tunnelled, and the RTT is awful
compared to IPv4 (IPv4 RTT to ftp.funet.fi from the same box is around
17 ms).

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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