iwn(4): Porting Intel 5100/5300 support from OpenBSD?

Daniel Roethlisberger daniel at roe.ch
Sat Mar 28 10:30:44 PDT 2009

Sam Leffler <sam at freebsd.org> 2009-03-28:
> Daniel Roethlisberger wrote:
> > Is anyone already working on porting Damien Bergamini's
> > updates to OpenBSD iwn(4) in order to support Intel 5100/5300
> > chipsets?  Is there anything preventing this work (except
> I've been working with another person on this.  It looks like
> the mods are straightforward but both of us have 4965 cards so
> can't test the new stuff.  I suggest you not wait if you're
> motivated.

I have a 5300 card (0x4236) and I am indeed motivated to work on
this.  Are there any patches resulting from your work with that
other person?

Daniel Roethlisberger

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