kern/132722: [ath] Wifi ath0 associates fine with AP, but DHCP or IP does not work

Matthias Apitz guru at
Mon Mar 23 11:54:02 PDT 2009

El día Monday, March 23, 2009 a las 06:44:42PM +0000, Bruce M Simpson escribió:

> Matthias Apitz wrote:
> >I went today evening with my EeePC and CURRENT on USB key
> >to that Greek restaurant; DHCP does not get IP in CURRENT either;
> >this is somehow good news, isn't it :-)
> >  
> This may be orthogonal, but:
>    A lab colleague and I have been seeing a sporadic problem where the 
> ath0 exhibits the symptoms of being disassociated from its AP. We are 
> running RELENG_7 on the EeePC 701 since the open source HAL merge.
>    In the behaviour we're seeing, we don't see any problem with the 
> initial dhclient run, the ath0 just seems to get disassociated within 
> 5-10 minutes of associating.
> If we leave 'ping <ap-ip-address>' running in the background, we don't 
> see this problem.

This must be a complete different problem, because in my case the AP
stays (at least what ifconfig shows) always associated, but don't get
offered IP addr;


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <matthias.apitz at> - w

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