HEADS UP: IGMPv3/SSM: alpha code drop.

Bruce Simpson bms at incunabulum.net
Wed Mar 4 03:49:07 PST 2009

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> ...
> Is this supposed to make multicast work in a jail? In the past I tried 
> some simple tests (e.g. mtest(8)), but I wasn't able to receive 
> anything in a jail (this test was triggered by the fact, that some 
> avahi-tools from the avahi port didn't showed an expected result).

Not really, no, I have just been making my best guess here. I would hope 
bz would join in once it's checked in -- as I understand it, jails are a 
difficult case for multicast (and broadcast) sockets because of how they 
change how address lookup works. Other than that I have done no testing 
with jails.

I believe the code will continue to work as-is, however others are 
welcome to test and contribute once it's in.


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