FreeBSD + carp on VMWare ESX

Andrew Snow andrew at
Sun Jul 19 22:57:09 UTC 2009

Matthew Grooms wrote:
> I was having problems running carp on VMWare ESX 4 and did a little 
> investigative work to determine the cause of the problem. 

If have tested CARP on ESX 3.5u4 successfully with a 32-bit FreeBSD 
guest with e1000 vNICs.

As well as turning on promiscuous mode on the vSwitch, you have to 
enable "MAC Address changes" and "Forged transmits" as CARP requires 
these to work properly.

Unless this is a vSphere-specific problem I must suspect your 
configuration as the problem.  Do you want to post your CARP config?

- Andrew

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