FreeBSD 7.2 racoon and NAT-T

VANHULLEBUS Yvan vanhu at
Thu Jul 16 13:21:19 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 02:57:59PM +0200, Gergely CZUCZY wrote:
> Thank you very much.
> Would it be possible that this could be integrated?
> Might be with racoon, that would also be very nice. So far this is the
> only thing I've found in FreeBSD that needs a feature in the base
> install needs a 3rdparty utility in order to work at all.
> Would be very nice to have everything in base available to have IPSec
> working all around.

kernel part of NAT-T stuff has been commited for upcoming FreeBSD 8.0,
and userland part needed to run with this kernel code has been
commited in ipsec-tools's HEAD, so will be in 0.8.0 (no, sync between
versions numbers 8.0 and 0.8 is really just a chance :-).

Backport to FreeBSD 7.x has not been planned for now for various


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