Blackberry Bold on FreeBSD ath AP not working

Chris Buechler freebsd at
Sun Jan 4 19:00:54 PST 2009

Has anyone ever tried connecting a Blackberry Bold to a FreeBSD access 
point using an Atheros card?  The card is an Atheros 5212, using FreeBSD 
7.0. Every other wireless device that has been tried on this network 
works fine, but this Blackberry connects, gets a DHCP lease, and then 
sends ARP requests that get no reply.

It behaves the same with the wireless open and using WPA or WPA2.

The ath card is bridged to an Ethernet interface with if_bridge, which 
works flawlessly for everything but this Blackberry. The Blackberry 
works fine on several other wireless networks it has been tried on.

capture of the Blackberry's ARP requests here:

They're a bit different from the ARP requests of every other wireless 
device tried on this AP (i.e. the ones that work), in that they aren't 
padded to 60 byte frames, but I don't think that should be a problem.

Anyone ever tried this, or have any idea what might be going on here?


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