New Atheros card: channel reset error [sorry for posting of not ready message]

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Wed Feb 11 23:22:59 PST 2009

Hello, Sam.
You wrote 12 февраля 2009 г., 02:46:08:

> So the driver is mis-mapping the channel and causing the hal to reject
> the request.  If I recall this causes scanning to stop on RELENG_7 so 
> you'll want to force this channel to not be requested by disabling 
> dynamic turbo mode.  I can't recall how that's done on RELENG_7; consult
> ifconfig(8).
 ifconfig ath0 -dturbo

Here is one problem: right after this request I get the same error
message again...

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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