[Take 2] Re: RFC: interface description

sthaug at nethelp.no sthaug at nethelp.no
Sat Aug 15 19:40:25 UTC 2009

>  From my perspective, putting it in a separate db outside the kernel 
> kind of defeats the purpose. I thought the  first patches had the 
> right idea. though for me the current ability to rename an interface
> is good enough.  I mean is you can cal your interface "Sydney0" or 
> "Melbourne2"  that is really enough..

Having read the discussion, I agree that the description should be
in the kernel. However, being a router geek the ability to rename
an interface to "Sydney0" or "Melbourne2" is not at all enough. For
the routers & switches I work with we really want a description of
at least 50 characters - and it's important to be able to include

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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