I need some information about how to build my first voip .

Segnale007 kernel.panic007 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 03:14:36 UTC 2008


I am getting an soekris net5501-70 where I will install freebsd, and I  
will build my voip. I don't know how to build a voip because I never  
did one, and I am wondering which program should I use to set it up, I  
did a lot of googling and I found many programs, such as Asterisk or  
SER, but I still don't know the difference between either of them, and  
I am trying to understand how I am supposed to start to build it.  I  
am still wondering which kind of phone I should use. For example, can  
I use a standard landline phone or do I have to use something else?

Thank you,



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