looking for dual-phy (copper & fiber) NIC

Kevin Day toasty at dragondata.com
Sat Jan 5 19:01:49 PST 2008

On Jan 5, 2008, at 2:30 PM, Aaron Turner wrote:

> Sorry for the slightly OT, but I've run out of ideas...
> I could of sworn about a month ago or so, I found a half-height
> gigabit NIC (PCI Express I think) which offered two copper AND two SFP
> connectors for
> fiber.   The card had only two ethernet controllers (Marvell I think),
> hence you could only use up to two connectors at any time.  Very
> similar to many switches which give you the choice of copper or fiber
> but not both (sometimes called "combo ports").
> Of course, I didn't bookmark the page, I can't find it in my browser
> history and Google is failing me horribly.  Note: I'm NOT looking for
> the old SysKonnect or Allied Tellysn cards which are 10/100Mbps.  This
> was a gigabit card!
> Any hints or pointers to the page, vendor or reseller would be greatly
> appreciated.

I know this isn't what you're looking for, but what about buying a 2  
port SFP gigabit card, and putting a copper SFP and a fiber SFP in?


That should work with the "em" driver I believe, and you can stuff  
whichever kind of SFP you want in it. Copper SFPs are pretty cheap... http://www.finisar.com/product-160-1000BASE-T_Copper_SFP_(FCMJ-8521-3_8520-3)

While I'm not saying I don't believe what you're describing exists,  
I'm having trouble picturing how you could fit 2 RJ48 and 2 SFP slots  
on a half height card.

-- Kevin

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