Named Listen IP

Ian Smith smithi at
Wed Aug 13 04:52:19 UTC 2008

On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Paul Schmehl wrote:
 > --On Tuesday, August 12, 2008 01:08:46 +1000 Ian Smith <smithi at>
 > wrote:
 > > On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Onur Aslan wrote:
 > >  > I am using named for a ns server. Named listening all ips for my
 > >  > machine. But when i reboot machine, my ppp network connecting after
 > >  > started named. named doesn't listening my ppp network's ip. Do you
 > >  > have a solution?
 > > 
 > > Assuming you have a fixed IP address when ppp comes up, specify that
 > > address in named's listen-on list.  When ppp has connected, assigned its
 > > addresses and set the default route, have ppp run an up-script that runs
 > > '/etc/rc.d/named restart'.
 > > 
 > > named will then see the ppp interface and listen on that address as well
 > > as any others specified, like localhost.  ppp runs its up/down scripts
 > > as root; you don't need (or want) to have named running as root.
 > > 
 > Just wondering - couldn't this be fixed by adding the keyword "network" to
 > the REQUIRE portion of the /etc/rc.d/named script?  (Right now it contains
 > SERVERS and cleanvar.  I'm suggesting adding network.)

rcorder (for 5.5 and 7.0 anyway) has ppp starting before named alright.  
However ppp is exec'd and begins connecting but is not waited for - as a 
rule fortunately, as even ADSL can take a while, and dialup takes a good 
long while - before proceeding with the boot, including named.

I suppose /etc/rc.d/ppp maybe could be hacked to wait around, up to some 
timeout anyway, or /etc/rc.d/named could be taught to timed-wait on some 
indication for such specific cases, but some rcorder dependencies seem 
hardly resolvable in the 'general case' .. I had the same issue with mpd 
on ADSL recently after a rare reboot; still pondering a tidy solution.

cheers, Ian

(Paul, sorry but your reply-to clues in the headers only confused me)

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