bpf does not see packets forwarded with ipfw fwd

Eugene Grosbein eugen at kuzbass.ru
Sat Apr 12 06:22:56 UTC 2008


One of 7.0 users has reported in some cyrillic newsgroup
a problem that I have reproduced in my 7.0-STABLE system.
That is: tcpdump does not show locally originated outgoing IP packets
that were processed by 'ipfw fwd' rule. The same configuration presents
no problems with 6.3-STABLE.

Consider simple schema: two FreeBSD boxes (A and B) directly connected
with ethernet intefaces. The box A has another ethernet interface and uses
"ipfw fwd" as its very first ipfw rule to forward some packets to B,
while these packets would normally go out trough mentioned another
interface. Now, tcpdump does NOT show outgoing packets but host B also
runs tcpdump on its incoming interface and does see them.

I double-checked all paramerets for tcpdump, all routing tables.
I even connected A and B with cross-over ethernet cable, without a switch.
Still, B sees incoming packets coming over the cable and A does not see
them leaving. This bothers me a bit :-)

Eugene Grosbein

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