axe(4) and Linksys USB200M question

Volker volker at
Tue Sep 11 06:47:06 PDT 2007


On 09/10/07 23:16, Scott Bennett wrote:
>      Oh.  So now I have another couple of white elephants.  Damn.  And I still
> don't have anything that will work as a second interface.  Sigh.

Do not trash them. Please test the patches available at:

>      Also, do you have any suggestions for alternatives?

I know your problem well. I do have a bunch of not supported USB NICs
but also I've got a bunch of supported ones (mostly aue(4) based
ones). These are cheap, and are sold a lot. There's (AFAIK) just one
newer aue chipset which is currently not supported by aue(4) and is
giving some errors. I haven't been able to figure out what's wrong
with them.

When grabbing aue based USB NICs from an online source, the chances
are 3 out of 4 you're getting a supported one. But you should test
your USB200Mv2 using the patches first.


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